Two issues have cropped in some work on theming a course I'm doing which I'd be grateful for any advice on:
1.) The authoring tool, at least for me, seems to have updated to the new vanilla 2.0 theme. (I'm not aware of having specifically told it do so.) This doesn't work with the content built within the authoring tool, so previews/exports break as a result. Could someone perhaps point to the best standard version of the latest vanilla v1 theme, which I assume could be uploaded as a custom theme for the interim?
2.) Some content I very recently created is displaying the same bug in the display of feedback boxes on iPads with safari as was reported a while back in this issue ( Is there a standard fix someone could recommend based own their own experience? I'd plan eventually to port the content over to version 2.0 but would prefer to resolve this in the existing 1.x version I've got in the short term.