Picture of Thomas Berger
Flashcard extension
by Thomas Berger - Wednesday, 2 September 2015, 4:19 PM

Dear all,


I would like to develop some sort of flashcard extension for Adapt.


Let’s say you have a set of flashcards. Each card is represented by a component (e.g. Multiple Choice Component)

If the learner starts interacting with the extension one flashcard is loaded from the deck and presented to the learner.

The learner answers the question.

If the question was answered incorrectly, the card will be added to another deck for later review.

This process repeats until the learner answered all questions from the first deck.

If the first deck is empty, the questions will then be loaded from the deck for later review. This deck contains only questions that were answered incorrectly before.

Again, if a question is answered incorrectly, it will be moved to a new deck for later review.

This process continues until there are no more questions left for further review.


Since this process will probably take a while and require multiple attempts, it would be nice to save the learners progress. So that she can start where she left in the previous attempts.

With Adapts new offline-storage features this progress could also be synced with the LMS, so that a learner can open the course with different devices keeping the progress in sync, right?


I hope that I could describe the process well enough and I am very interested in your feedback!


Picture of x z
Re: Flashcard extension
by x z - Thursday, 3 September 2015, 6:57 AM

Hi Thomas, I'll respond to the game design rather than how to program this if that's OK.

I used to have f2f students play something like this in my non-academic math classes (gr. 9 - 11) when they didn't know their times tables. A student would make a complete list of all the math facts he needed to learn & then make up a deck of say 15 cards using whichever facts from the list he wanted to practise first (question on one side and answer on the other). To play, he'd lay out the deck and start answering the questions in any order he wanted. If he got a question right, he put a check on the card & set it aside. If not, the card would be returned to the array and tried again after at least 2 more cards had been tried. Once the deck was done or 15 minutes maximum had passed, he'd set it aside & try it again later -- all of it. When a card had earned 10 checks marks (was answered correctly on the first try 10 times), it was torn up and thrown away for good. That fact was considered 'mastered' and crossed off the list. This number was high because the entire list was tables that he found troublesome. The student would play his deck 3 times x 3 times per day, so the deck would be whittled down fast. When there were 5 cards left, he'd add 10 new cards with facts from his original list.

Once he was down to his final 5 cards, we'd then work up memory strategies for those facts together. There were lots of different ways to get the student to practise those, but the main two were:,(a) surprise single card drill and (b) making sure when the student did a question in a math exercise using that fact he took a moment to take out the corresponding card & rehearse the memory strategy. When the student discovered he knew the fact, that card was given to me and glued to a goofy certificate of recognition just for fun.

This game was phenomenally successful in teaching math facts to students who'd never learned them as kids because they always led from their strength even in a topic that had defeated them for so long. It was also fast to play & stopped before it became frustrating. It capitalized on the now evidence-based practise of spaced practise + something I got from a book called the Zen of Running which said basically to stop while you're feeling good so you'll want to run again the next day. I've been working on a powerpoint approximation of this game, and I'm close except the entire game starts up each time. 

Regarding your game, here are my thoughts:

(1) With multiple choice questions, a correct guess counts as a right answer. I would not deem a fact 'known' until the player got a card correct 3 times (with the choices shuffled each time the card was played if possible). Only then would I remove it from the deck.

(2) I'd keep the deck small (15 cards? 20?) so it can be played in 15 minutes max. and put in a timer so it can't be played again until the next day. This spaces the review and gives the student time to forget, so when the same card is seen again, he has to search his memory for the answer. Also limiting the game to 15 minutes means attention is less likely to lapse.

(3) When Deck 1 is whittled down to 5 cards, all 5 could go into a permanent review deck, and the learner would start Deck 2. The last 5 cards from Deck 2 would also get moved to the permanent review deck (and so on for all decks in that group). This permanent deck would be kept for pre-exam study because it contains all the hardest questions for that student. You might even program into the course surprise permanent deck review points when the learner would receive a message to play that review deck to keep those hardest facts fresh & minimize the need for cramming. He might be prompted to write a reflection and send itcto the instructor or a peer mentor.

(4) If a student is really keen, you might encourage him to play 2 different decks each day. By capping this kind of practise to 30 min per day &! because the decks are different, concentration should be maintained.

(5) If the course has an online instructor presence, you could have the LMS signal him/her about any cards a learner gets wrong say 2 days in a row so the instructor can intervene personally. If the course is completely self-taught, you might instead block further progress in a deck until the learner does a review activity -- a reading or video with text entry questions. 

I'm still trying to make my ppt. model more closely approximate this kind of play. I've found a super & cheap tool that exports ppt as a fully interactive file and so can be played inside an LMS. 

In ppt, slides can easily be copied by a  player to a new file, so the students would have to build their own permanent review decks. The problem is that I have an entire times tables game of up to 25 questions on a single slide, so that doesn't help much. 

My game continues to be a work in progress...... good luck with yours.





Picture of Thomas Berger
Re: Flashcard extension
by Thomas Berger - Thursday, 3 September 2015, 2:10 PM

Hi Sue,

thank you so much for your feedback.

I really like the approach of counting how often a question was answered correctly until it gets set as “known”. Such a threshold value should of course be customized within the extensions json. Maybe it would also be handy to have a switch to define if this count is reset when the question is answered incorrectly.

I thought about adding a set of buttons that can be used by the learner to self-evaluate their learn progress e.g. “I know this” will remove the card for good and “I don’t know this” will move the question to the next deck. The big advantage of such a solution would be to use not only question component as a flashcard.

Do you have any experience with self-evaluation?


I actually have a client request of 100 flashcards in the first deck. It would maybe better to split the cards into multiple sub-decks?


I like the concept of adding a time limit to the game. It will probably help to keep attention high and frustration low. However I am not quite sure how much control a learner should have about interacting with the courses. It might be handy to have some sort of “Play again anyhow” button. So that learners that can’t wait can have new try.

I would be quite keen to hear from the community if someone has any experience of working with time limits into Adapt courses.


Having a permanent review board is a very nice idea! If this board can be accessed easily it is definitely a great way to study for a test. This pre-exam study feature is also a great use case for mobile learning in my opinion.


I didn’t know that you can make this things with Powerpoint! Good luck too and again thanks for your feedback!


Picture of x z
Re: Flashcard extension
by x z - Thursday, 3 September 2015, 3:54 PM

Hi Thomas,

Re: 100 card deck

I can appreciate the need to learn 100 facts, but can see no benefit to practising with 100 cards at a time. I think 5 sub-decks make more sense (or 4 if they can be done quite rapidly by a slower player). Working through and dispensing with smaller decks injects checkpoints of accomplishment which can be motivating. in a waycrgatxsloggibgcthrough 100 cards at a time is not. As well, if the program glitches and a player cannot resume play, to start over with 100 cards would be daunting. 20 would be a pain but manageable. 

Re: self evaluation

I think the more control in the hands of a learner the better. Giving a student the ability to set aside questions that are too easy or known is a good idea, but with some guidelines; such as:

(1) Known = could get an question like this right in a year? at the end of the course? WITH NO ADDITIONAL REVIEW

(2) Understood but need more practice

(3) Not really understood so need to learn more a out this

Group 1 questions would be set aside right away. The next task might be to work on learning group 3 & then the game would consist of group 2 & 3 questions when the student was ready. He'll soon know if he over- or under-estimated bis needs which will make him a better student in future. 

Playing the initial 'set aside deck' (these are the ones I said I knew; do I still agree with my own assessment?) b/4 test is a good self-check (in addition to the review deck).

Powerpoint has a lot more to it than I ever knew but it won't do all the things we' e discussed, It's just a tool I know & so don't have to learn something completely new (eg how to code) before I can create tools for students. I have to figure out what trade offs I & the learners can live with :-)



Picture of x z
Re: Flashcard extension
by x z - Thursday, 3 September 2015, 4:35 PM

Just came across something called Open Cards (open source; free) works with PPT to make more useful flash cards. It may give you some ideas for your extension.



Picture of x z
Re: Flashcard extension
by x z - Thursday, 3 September 2015, 5:55 PM

2 open source projects for flash cards -- you may be sble to hack their code and adapt it to your needs & to work in Adapt:

(1) http://ankisrs.net

(2) http://mnemosyne-proj.org (mostly for language learning) 

There may be others, 

That's all from me today.