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Hi Bola,

Out of curiosity, did you attempt the Vagrant Installation or the Server Installation (outlined here:  As of v0.1.4 the Vagrant scripts should work, although there may be an issue with Windows 10 right now.  I'd encourage anybody not comfortable with aspects of the technical installation to follow the Vagrant steps.  It shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes.

As Tom has said, we're a bit away from version 1.0 right now. I agree that installation videos on different platforms would help, but you're talking at least three different videos for Windows alone, (Window 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7), then OS X and Unix.  With the amount of contributors we have at present that is going to be a challenge.  




What version of the framework are you using within the AT?

It's certainly working fine for me if I download the latest version of the framework using the Adapt CLI and build from that.

One possible source of the problem was that we recently had to change lots of clickable items in the framework and core plugins from <a> to <button> to make VoiceOver for iOS work properly - including the back button in the navigation. If you have anything that's still set to look for the <a> version of the back button, it's not going to be able to find it. Conversely, if your theme still has the back button has <a> in the template, the latest framework code is going to be unable to target it.


To kick things off, here's a list of the core Adapt plugins. All comply to the Adapt tech spec, so are:

  • Compatible with: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), IE8-11, IE Mobile 11, iPhone (iOS 7+8), Safari iPad (iOS 7+8), Safari 8 and Opera
  • WAI AA accessible
  • Support right-to-left text
  • Registered in the Adapt registry






I'm hoping to avoid the behavior in which a PDF is download to a mobile device

This is not something I've seen occur, on iOS anyway. It always displays in the browser. It does give the user the option to save to iBooks(?) but you'd assume if they click that they would be doing so with an understanding of what they are doing...

You might be able to do something clever to change the link to a PDF based on screen size so that you could have a different one when accessed via a small screen - but I have to say if you don't want the user to download it and you want it to be responsive... is PDF really the right solution? Why do you want to display the content as PDF in the first place? Could you not port the content into Adapt?

If it's the 'page flip' effect you really want, could you use something like flipping book or pageflip (or flexpaper as Sue suggests) and link to the output of that?


I wrote a new extension, related to this...

I had an itch for a tracking extension that could give me some flexibility to track what's going on as a learner uses a course, but not necessarily using xAPI. However, at a wider level, I was interested in xAPI too, and this forum conversation about xAPI was starting to take place.

At the same time, I wanted to learn about Adapt development, so I spent time studying adapt-tincan and adapt-contrib-Spoor, until I understood to some extent how these things work.⋅

So, long story short, one thing led to another, and I've ended up implementing what I think is a fairly flexible and "extensible" tracking extension, that does xAPI, but allows other tracking scenarios as well. It's here, in case anyone wants to take a look:

I wrote a fairly detailed Readme to try to explain my reasoning behind what's been done and how it's been done...

As I said, this kind of happened at the same time that the xAPI conversation emerged, and then the adapt-tincan extension was released. But I needed some time to organize my thoughts around xAPI and tracking in general -I had no idea if I'd be able to develop anything. Needless to say that studying what others have done in adapt-tincan and Spoor has been instrumental for what I ended up doing.

However, this is my first attempt to develop something in the Adapt "ecosystem" and stack,... so I may have done things that are weird, or just plain wrong... I don't know!

As for SCORM... I particularly don't see a need for xAPI and SCORM to go together... to me they're different things. And SCORM is very widely used and way too important be "messed with", but that's just my opinion.

Any feeback or comments are welcome.



It's not a problem, I quite enjoyed the challenge but it is a lot harder than I'd initially anticipated.

Assuming your LMS and Adapt content are being served from the same domain, the extension will inject javascript and styling into the iframe parent window and put some javascript and styling fixes into Adapt in the iframe content. So, yes it can be treated as a normal extension for installation and should 'just work' i.e. it'll make the parent iframe responsive. (I'm pretty sure it'll break the Authoring Tool though, as there is no schema - yet).

The extension is built in two stages. There are a series of styling and javascript fixes, these will have an effect on all containing iframes, in all browsers and will make the containing iframe responsive (on the assumption that the iframe should fill the window, i.e. that it is a full height + width iframe). The second stage is a preliminary attempt to overcome the iOS Safari problems, and that is the bit which isn't yet finished.

The last real iOS hitch is implementing my fake scrolling idea across all elements which require scrolling in Adapt. I'll have to build a little library to do this, but it is possible (in theory) to reimplement scrolling inside iframes using css 3d translation effects and a couple of touchstart/touchmove event handlers to capture the movement.

Testing, help and advice are always appreciated :D thanks for the friendly nudges!


Oh, the index.html file in the extension is really simple iframe for testing the fixes. Just build adapt and run it through that file or your own iframe file.


Hi Oliver,

Thanks for such a clear outline of the iFrame issues on iOS. It's the best summary I've seen - and that's after a lot of googling/stackoverflowing!

I'm grateful someone is taking a crack at this. Looking briefly at the code in github it's clear my very modest skills aren't going to offer much help with the outstanding issues, but I'm very happy to do some testing if that's ever of any help. Am I right that this should be treated like any other extension in terms of how it's installed and used?










Hi sue.

The fix you mention is my 3rd point and causes my 2nd issue. It isn't the iframe content that scrolls it is the parent of the iframe which is scrolling. This fix means that the adapt toolbar will scroll out of screen and the notify won't calculate its height properly. The extension I've made overcomes this somewhat by allowing the content inside the iframe to fake-scroll but requires some extra work to get trickle going and yo induce scrolling when the notify and drawer are too large for the viewport. Otherwise the responsiveness works well with the extension. 

Thanks for the response, but I had thoroughly considered the -webkit-overflow-scroll fix already whilst hacking around and want something far more robust.


I'll let you know if I get some more time to work on a full solution as it's a real shame adapt doesn't do what it should in an iframe on iOS. Finger's crossed I come up trumps. I've posted the code and the issues here to see if anyone else can help.






There seems to be a fix for this described online (although it can require some tweaking depending on the version of IOS being used). These links may provide a good starting place for getting this to work:

(1) [The demos don't work like an iframe on my iPhone. Almost immediately, the actual webpage that should be inside the iframe appears like a regular link. I never get more than a momentary glimpse of the iframe page. However, judging by the comments, this works for others.]

(2)   [I can scroll the iframe on this page with 1 finger on my iPhone.] 

You may have to read the comments to find out how various people got this to work.



 i am following the instructions on 
and it says to install node.js and i did and i checked its version # and it says 4.2.1 and the instructios say v0.10.33 WOW that is a lot behind.. now i have to figure out how to uninsall and install v0.10.33.. not very novice friendly
so i skip this step and try to install and get errots that i am not admin. so i install windsu and try it... i am geting errors that it cant find git.. .. I will wait for Sven to help me

i am daustin100 on skype

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