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Example extension for all fixes i've managed so far:



  * on ios need to make jquery.scrollTo use fake scroll.
  * on ios need to make sure overflow notify and drawer scroll
  * on ios need to correct trickle as tranformation + z-index cause the button to disappear
  * on ios don't use PLP as scrollTo doesn't work (or huge plp as scrolling won't work)
  * on ios don't use huge notify feedback as scrolling won't work
  * on ios don't use trickle
  * otherwise all good - works perfectly on a desktop and android fullscreen iframe
Picture of Arend Raifsnider
by Arend Raifsnider - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 4:58 PM

I was just wondering if anyone else has had trouble with the Trickle extension on mobile browsers. I had it built into a section of a course, and it behaved strangely on iOS. When first viewing the section, the Continue button did not appear. If the user hit the back button and went into the section again, the Continue button would then appear. It worked fine when viewing on desktop.

  1. iOS iframes do not calculate their width based upon the window.innerWidth of their containing window.
    • they use window.outerWidth which can be a few hundred pixels too large. this stretches the borders of the iframe beyond the viewport size.
    • width: 100% on an iframe will create bad widths as the orientation changes, even if the meta scale tag is restricted to 1. because of the outerWidth phenomenon.
    • it is possible to sidestep this using javascript to set the iframe width on body orientangechange="" events.
  2. iOS iframes rarely honor css height values.
    • iFrames tend to be as high as their containing content
    • The iframe content height cannot be controlled by overflow:hidden or overflow:scroll but is defined by the height of all the display:!=none content, regardless if its parent is shorter.
    • This means that the window height inside the iframe is not representative of the viewport height of the device, but of the iframe content height. This means that anything centered horizontally with javascript will not be able to calculate the viewport height properly.
    • This can be sidestepped using a combination of the javascript from point 1 and some javascript inside Adapt, but both the iframe document and iframe content document need to be on the same domain for this to happen.
  3. You cannot scroll inside an iOS iframe. (see Gareth Walker's point) 
    • The iframe does not respect the overflow properties on its content.
    • To make an iframe scroll with user interaction, you can only scroll the iframe in its container and not scroll the iframe content inside the iframe.
    • This means that any fixed position content will not stick to the viewport top and bottom but will instead scroll with the iframe out of the viewport.
    • This cannot be fixed but it can be hacked using transform: translate3d on the page or menu, but has adverse effects on trickle buttons and any other scrolling content such as the drawer or notify.

It seems until Apple fix the iOS iframe bugs, Adapt should not be used in an iframe on iOS.






Hi everyone,

Our company is currently exploring Adapt and I've been doing some research over the past few days.

I'm an ID and not any good at coding, but have a pretty quick to pick up technical mind if that makes any sense..

From what I understand, and please correct me if I am mistaken, this is the rundown I have of how things would move forward should we embark with Adapt as our authoring platform.

- Two sides to Adapt: the Authoring tool,  and the Framework side (which is the dev side of things in regards to code and it being built and customising the Authoring tool).

- The Authoring tool is ready to go in terms of a number of functions, however is still being built for total customisation. (Q- Does anyone have a complete list of functions already available?)

- The frame work side is where the community is working to assist and test in development for the Auth tool. ( Q- If we were to move forward with this and ask our IT team to assist us with the coding and development could they customise our end of the framework side to allow for our requirements?)

I have read through the concept and a lot of what we are after is included, however that is the concept and I am fully aware that this program is still being developed, so not sure where it is up to at this stage.

We are after a number of things, is there any way someone could let me know where the authoring tool is up to in regards to current functionality?

Requirements- Current Functionality?

  • Customisable fonts (our individual brands have custom fonts)?
  • Embed videos, images, captivate screen capture files, audio?
  • Can we customize the ticks or crosses for MCQ? Or the customizable imagery for Hot graphics?

  • Can we customize the “marking, reset, model answer” text options? Can we customize “ correct/partially correct/incorrect”

  • Interactive activities/animations?

  • Drag and Drop?
  • Branching scenarios?
  • MCQ?
  • Stamps upon completion?
  • Scrolling

  • Images

  • Logo

  • Colours - our own?

  • Fonts - our own?

  • Branching - ready now?

  • Tin can coming soon? ready now?

  • Can develop unique themes - Create themes to re use for separate modules

  • Apply background graphics to different sections - our own imagery/ branding colours?

  • Questions:

  •  Multiple choice

  • Matching questions

  • Open text

  • Slider ( learner positions a slider on a scale)

  • Graphical MCQ ( select one or more on an image)

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Motion graphics

  • Simulations

  • Interactive animations

  • Narrative: image gallery with text (On mobile phones the display text is presented in a full screen pop-up, which needs to be closed before the learner can continue.)

  • Accordion- clickable tiles which reveal text

  • Hot graphics (images that when clicked display detailed popups of text)

  • Reveal- sliding control to display alternating images/text

  • Progress bar

  • Will display on and auto fit to mobile devices

  • Can edit and preview as you go along

  • (-concept) Language ?

  • Resources section

  • Persistent navbar along the top of the page, with section headings, with the ability to select to relocate to different sections.


Any help anyone can provide me is truly appreciated.

Greatest of thanks!












Hi Matt,

Thanks for your thoughts. The set-up of iframes can certainly vary. In the case I'm currently testing it is very responsive and the Adapt content works well across the great majority of devices I've tested. 

I think the issue I've encountered is really a more specific one. Iframes on iOS appear to be particularly fussy when it comes to handling scrolling content. There are some established fixes for this, but I'm not sure quite how they can be best applied within the context of Adapt's CSS. 

I'll try to take a deeper look, but certainly if someone with more experience of the framework's CSS could offer any advice I'd be grateful for pointers!

(On the more general point: I guess my take would be that iframes are hard to escape in elearning, and while they'll always be fiddly and frustrating it's a worthwhile endeavour for the framework to give as much of a fighting chance for content to work in that context as possible.)


iframes are (normally) not responsive elements, therefore putting responsive content like Adapt into one is going to cause a problem, unless you're able to change the iframe to make it responsive

there are some hacks you can do to Adapt to make it work in an unresponsive iframe, I believe these effectively involve disabling the responsiveness of Adapt. Sorry I don't have any more info than that, my knowledge of the CSS side of Adapt is very poor


Update: I've tried just adding the overflow-y and -webkit-overflow-scrolling elements to html and body, without the height.

This again gets some minimal scrolling in iOS - but everything seems to break at the first 'trickle' element. On other platforms, e.g. desktop browsers, there are again some trickle related issues with lots of white space and also scrollbars-within-the-iframe.




 Hi Sue,

My initial attempts to fix have involved trying to add the below to the html and body elements, with some excessive use of !important to nix any overrides. 

The effect was to get scrolling sort-of working in iOS, but at the price of breaking a lot of stuff with scrolling/trickle.

Just selectively adding -webkit-overflow-scrolling doesn't seem to make any difference, however.

I'm a little surprised this hasn't come up before, given how often courses will be displayed in iFrames in LMS/VLE contexts. Any advice will be very welcome.


html {
height: 100% !important;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch !important;
overflow-y: scroll !important;
body {
overflow-y: scroll !important;
height: 100% !important;

Hi Gareth,

I've used iframes in several places in a Wikispaces  website but had not tested them on mi iDevices until I saw your comment. You're right, they don't work! I'll have to fix them if I can.
I haven't yet tried this solution, but the writer has posted a demo & it works perfectly. I don't know if the code will work in Adapt, but I thought I'd share it anyway ---

Hi - I'd be interested to know if this has cropped up before, and if there's a standard solution.

I have an Adapt course that will be accessible via an iFrame. The iFrame assumes embedded objects will be operating in full screen state.

This assumption doesn't appear to play very well with my Adapt 2.0 course (which is using trickle) when viewed on an iOS device. It's essentially impossible to scroll down through the content.

I believe some adjustments to the body and html CSS are the avenues to explore, but I'm a little concerned about trying to unpick and re-stitch this -- I wondered if this had come up for anyone else, and whether there was an established fix?


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