OK, I have the Adapt Authoring tool up and running and have had a play.
I am using the Vagrant install.
Now I would like to load it up with the plugins i.e more themes.
I have a handle on getting into the plugins and heading to the plugin webpage, which then will head me to the Git..
but it seems that its not as easy as just downloading the zip from the Github and then using the Adapt learning tool to upload the plugin?
the reading I am doing is that there might be more to it then meets the eye?
Is there a pathway that will allow the zipped files to be setup and just imported in to Adapt, or is it still going to me a case of using command line ?
I am just thinking about how Moodle handles plugins with the ability to have them loaded up from the GIt zip file that is downloaded..
I would like to get a handle on this as at the moment I am playing with this and H5P, which in turn I have will be teaching other trainers and users of our LMS to build courses within our Moodle LMS.
thanks in advance for any feed back on this.