ahead of the design stream call, I wanted to send an update and flag some topics for discussion. I have been working with Mike and we have so far had two longish workshops / sessions. In summary:
- We appreciate the work on the authoring tool is progressing and in need of design-steer in some areas.
- Our approach of designing top-down (requirements -> principles -> complete interface etc) is taking too long to be of use for the developers.
- We have therefore decided to run a bottom-up approach in parallel and to give this some focused input in the short term. This is the best use of time to help with the v0.1 tool deliverable.
We therefore have a need to access the tool WIP on an ongoing basis and I have taken the action to set this up with Dan's help. Having made a start of deploying this to Heroku, we're due to continue with the setup today (Fri, 18th). In the meantime, thanks to Brian for taking screenshots of some key pages (attached).
As per request, we focused on the component adding / editing topic. We initially assessed the workflow in terms of key screens / dialogues. The attached design considerations document starts with this topic.
We then needed to understand the detail of how the schemas drive the data entry fields in the authoring tool and conducted some research. Thanks to Petra, Dennis, Brian and Daryl for helping with this today. This research has been captured in the design considerations doc.
The next step was to get a fuller understanding of the data schemas and data types. Petra, thanks for your work on the attached word doc, which lists some of the schemas and elements contained. I am keen to for us revisit this, bring it up to date and fill it in for the entire core bundle.
I also came across several potential issues, which prompted me to create a status table in the attached design doc. This has also led us to suggesting:
- Data types we think we need in the schemas
- Some basic requirements for the editing UI, which affect the schema structure
I would like us to cover this as the main point of discussion during the call. I would like to specifically call on the following people to attend:
- Dennis,
- Brian,
- Dan,
- Daryl,
- Petra,
- Mike
I hope this makes sense and that you can make it. We will use a Google hangout - I will post the link to that in the morning.