Picture of Eri L
Installing Adapt Authoring on Linux ARM
by Eri L - Thursday, 30 August 2018, 6:07 AM

Hi all!

I just started using Adapt last week and am enjoying it immensely.

I wanted to share my experience installing the Adapt Authoring tool onto a more uncommon setup: Ubuntu 16.04 via Crouton on a Chromebook with Armhf architecture.

I am not sure if the quirks I encountered were due to this setup or if the docs may need to be updated.

In any case, I hope that having this information can help future users.

The following only includes deviations from the installation steps on the Adapt Authoring Wiki:


Node version

The instructions say version 8.x.x is compatible but I found that I had to use 8.1 or above; otherwise, there was an error with downloading/exporting the course.



This wasn't listed in the Authoring Wiki but I found that I needed to create the Admin database and a username and password that matched what I was entering into the installation script. Including this in the docs may help users less comfortable with command line to debug :)


Install Adapt Framework manually

Following the Authoring Tool installation steps listed on the Wiki (i.e. skipping the Framework installation) led to issues: when running node install because the temp folder (which is supposed to have Adapt Framework) was not created. 

  1. I followed the steps to clone the Adapt Authoring tool. In that folder, I created subfolders: temp>adapt_framework
  2. Within adapt_framework I cloned the Framework repository
  3. Note: PhantomJS doesn't have a version for Armhf machines; but using the version via sudo apt-get install seems to work for me
  4. I wonder if there the Frameworks docs need to be updated? Typing adapt install as per the docs gave an error about a vanilla theme plugin being incompatible. I needed to type adapt create course to install Framework (as per this post)
  5. Then, I returned to the adapt_authoring folder and followed the rest of the installation directions from the Wiki