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by Sven Laux - Thursday, 3 July 2014, 4:38 PM

Hi Brian,

thanks - regarding the languages point, we have captured the following in terms of requirements and architecture:

  • a single course can contain content in multiple languages
  • there is a default language setting, which determines the content shown upon course launch
  • the course structure, content and assets can be entirely different between the 'language versions' within the single course - this gives maximum flexibility
  • the underlying framework architecture (e.g. folders, and content data JSON files) are designed with this in mind - albeit the functionality to switch and deliver different languages is not yet fully built

So, in theory, this enables anyone to deliver entirely different content within the same course. The primary application for this is languages. However, it could also be used to deliver:

  • a single course with slight variations depending on location (localisation rather than translation)
  • a single course with slight variations depending on role (e.g. content for regular staff, managers etc)
  • branching scenarios (but this will need a lot more thought)

Hope this makes sense. The best checkpoint is the requirements documents on the community page



Hi Charlie

If I load your content onto Totara LMS v2.5 (which is based on Moodle) I get the same result on iPhone 4 running iOS7.

More tellingly, the content is NOT snapping down to the mobile view but staying in the desktop layout. So clearly something in the way Moodle/Totara renders the content in the window is blocking the responsive functionality of Adapt... very likely it's because the content is being rendered inside an <iframe> which is an inherently un-responsive element.

If I load it into SCORM Cloud, it all works fine.

I think what you're seeing here is a common issue with trying to run content that implements responsive design techniques on Learning Management Systems that are rendering the content in the window in a way that is not particularly friendly to responsive design*.

The workaround we have been using on Moodle/Totara up to now is to set the LMS the package to load in the same window, but add a new page to the SCO called launch.html that handles opening up index.html up in its own popup window - so you're essentially 'breaking out' of the Moodle SCORM player template.

I have updated your package with the launcher file and attached it here.

This is by no means an ideal solution and I will continue to explore options with my colleagues in the Totara world for how we can fix this properly, maybe even backporting the fix into Moodle - you never know.

By the way - there is another bug in your package... Once you get through to the content page you can't get back to the menu again, just a blank screen.

*This is by no means the worst. SABA LMS renders the content inside a frameset. Seriously, a frameset in this day and age? I think the last time I used a frameset in my code was in the previous millennium!


Hi Daryl - 

We had checked the media component it does not allow us to add audios, we made minor changes to all the templates so that each interaction(click/tap) can have in-built audio file.

Let me know the updates on the component above.





I'm brand new to Adapt but I have the same concern than Julian.

I'm more a software developper than an ID and for me outside of curiosity Adapt could be interesting to reuse in Kneaver for the eLearning part. We already share 90% of the technology : NodeJS, jQuery, backbone, grunt, npm etc.. Note that all these technologies have a very open type of license which cause adoption to be very fast.

My goal today was to install, try and try to plug into learning-cell the work we did for xAPI last year. Try to see if I can replicate what was done with storyline. This means investigate and learn more than the surface of Adapt.

My second goal was to see how to enhance the video component to have xAPI statements generated, for fun. Our product Kneaver as an xAPI interface to serve as a personal LRS/LMS.

I can spend 2, 3 hours like this but knowing that I will not be able to reuse Adapt in our environment is strongly limitating my motivation.

Talking with IDs they can't use Adapt as is if people like us are not around to help the components to evolve, build samples, bridges. Same as what happen in NodeJS, Express, jQuery. We take, we use, we adapt, we share. It's not my business model to sell components in eLearning or sell software devlopment services.

GPL is fine for closed project where most licensees will nver look under the hood: mySQL, inkscape, gcc etc

I think you have been doing a large work. The next obstacle is communication and building a community of first adopters.



Hi Aniket,

Just a thought - are you testing using main.html (grunt server-scorm command)? If so, the iframe won't resize properly on iOS devices.




I'm using the match questions component.

To clarify the code: (I've swapped out the questions for dummy content)


"_classes": "",
"_layout": "left",
"_component": "matching",
"_attempts": 1,
"_random": false,
"title": "<h2>Check your understanding</h2>",
"body": "Select an option for each question, then click submit",
"buttons": {
"submit": "",
"reset": "",
"showCorrectAnswer": "",
"hideCorrectAnswer": ""
"feedback": {
"correct": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis, suscipit, officiis, harum, vero quam natus fugiat maxime odio ad optio saepe magni illum nemo sit quasi obcaecati sed aut fuga?",
"incorrect": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis, suscipit, officiis, harum, vero quam natus fugiat maxime odio ad optio saepe magni illum nemo sit quasi obcaecati sed aut fuga?</p>",
"partly": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis, suscipit, officiis, harum, vero quam natus fugiat maxime odio ad optio saepe magni illum nemo sit quasi obcaecati sed aut fuga?"
"placeholder": "select an option",
"items": [
"text": "Question One",
"options": [
"text": "wrong answer",
"correct": false
"text": "correct answer",
"correct": true
"text": "wrong answer",
"correct": false
"text": "Question Two",
"options": [
"text": "correct answer.",
"correct": true
"text": "wrong answer",
"correct": false
"text": "Question Three",
"options": [
"text": "wrong answer",
"correct": false
"text": "correct answer",
"correct": true
"text": "wrong answer",
"correct": false



"_assessment": {
"_isPercentageBased" : true,
"_scoreToPass" : 3,
"_completionMessage" : {
"title" : "You have finished the assessment",
"message": "You scored [SCORE] out of [MAXSCORE]. [FEEDBACK]"
"_bands": [
"_score": 0,
"feedback": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore, aspernatur, ut modi quia laborum neque dolores nobis maxime impedit dolorum. Fuga mollitia iure nemo repellat assumenda illum praesentium laboriosam commodi."
"_score": 1,
"feedback": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore, aspernatur, ut modi quia laborum neque dolores nobis maxime impedit dolorum. Fuga mollitia iure nemo repellat assumenda illum praesentium laboriosam commodi."
"_score": 2,
"feedback": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore, aspernatur, ut modi quia laborum neque dolores nobis maxime impedit dolorum. Fuga mollitia iure nemo repellat assumenda illum praesentium laboriosam commodi."
"_score": 3,
"feedback": "<h2>Well done!</h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore, aspernatur, ut modi quia laborum neque dolores nobis maxime impedit dolorum. Fuga mollitia iure nemo repellat assumenda illum praesentium laboriosam commodi."


Hopefully that will be obvious to one of you! 


I too expect people to write transformation tools to produce Adapt-conforming content from content written originally for other formats, either because the content already exists, or because they want to target multiple publishing formats and the Adapt format is not their primary format.

While I applaud the goal of building a user-friendly tool for authoring content, that seems like an ambitious endeavour. Meanwhile, I can see value in a more low tech tool that could validate the JSON-based content. That has three important use cases IMO:

  1. help authors create valid content now (which is really, but really hard as it is so easy to make mistakes)
  2. help people writing transformations to Adapt to ensure their transformations are correct
  3. help with other automated validation scenarios, say, from a continuous build.




Hey Adam,

So far we have tested the media component across all the browsers in our spec and the video completes even on iOS devices using a native media player. However I do see the need to have an end point as the video might have credits or a title at the end - the learner might close/stop the video before the end.

But I wonder if we might hit problems with streaming videos on this? I know a lot of the browsers give an event that a video has finished so instead we'd have to find out when the user clicks stop and see if the video is after the end point and trigger completion.

I'd like to hear people's views on this.




Hey Kev and Nicola,

I'm not sure I see the benefit of having completion on clicking play. Maybe I'm struggling to see from a learning point of view when this is necessary. In my mind I have two possible scenarios:

1- the video isn't that important so scrolling past it sets it to complete.

2 - Video needs to be viewed fully to be completed. (The current variable _allowCompletionOnInview if set to false will enable option 2 above.)

I'd like to know if people would use on clicking play. But like I said - maybe I'm missing something?




Interesting questions, Nicola. I think the option of having the video auto-pause at cue points and requiring the learner to click to continue would be very useful in a number of scenarios. It would ,however, be hard to accomplish this through timecodes as attributes in separate components. By, instead, building said functionality into the videoplayer, we would also avoid the issue of having to disable full screen on mobile.

Having said that... As Adam points out, getting video cuepoints to work on all mobile devices (without having users of certain devices installing a special app), is not a straightforward task at present... My most successful attempts at creating interactive video with cue points that work as intended across browsers and devices, were made using layers, variables and pause/start media triggers in a rapid authoring tool.
I'd be curious to hear more people's thoughts on how video-based interactivity could be handled in Adapt. 
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