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As it is now, an exported SCORM from adapt works just fine on moodle both on desktop and mobile (with some modification on the moodle side). However, If I try to open the Adapt SCORM through the Moodle Mobile App on an iOS device it does not work properly. I have been directly in contact with moodle about this problem.

As I'm not that technical, I will just paste the response from one of the moodle developer here. I hope this is something you can fix!


"We found some time to check this and what we noticed is that this SCORM is not working correctly when is played inside an iframe because it contains some javascript that does some bad calculations related to scroll positioning (only in iOS when the content is inside an iframe).

If you play this SCORM in Moodle using default settings (not launching the SCORM in a new window) you will see the same effect in Safari or Chrome in iOS (I think that this is what you mentioned initially when you said that you removed the iframe).

So basically, what is happening in the app is the same that is happening in Moodle when you have the SCORM inside an iframe.
You should contact the Adapt people so they fix this issue that is happening in iOS Safari and Chrome when the package is inside an iframe (as we said before we suspect is because the scroll positioning is calculated incorrectly)."

Thank you!



Actually it's even easier just copy and paste the hls source link into the mp4 external link field in the adapt authoring tool. I tested this with android, ios and desktop browsers chrome and firefox.

I am not concerned with supporting at the moment ie or windows phones so this works for me for now.

I have been able to open this link directly on an ios and android phone. As far as the code change to adapt is it simply changing the video type to hls and adding the source link to the video?


Streaming is a bit of a misnomer in web-speak.

The term "streaming" does not refer to any particular technology, more the ability to send byte/second ranges to a player (and usually of live-uninterrupted content).

If you have a single video and a normal file server setup correctly to allow byte-range transmission of videos, it will give the same result - just not usually bit-rate adaptive - this is called 'progressive download' rather than streaming.

"streaming" in the sense of Amazon CloudTing and rtmp, is about broadcasting live feeds with no start or end.

Adobe CloudFront can serve video/streams in rtmp, hls or http


These are the supported platforms and more info for each technology.


iOS supports HLS (but not rtmp as Matt mentioned)

I you're serving a static, flat, single file with a start and an end - use a file server and mp4. If you need streaming, you'll need to make a new extension/component which can take two formats or use two players, one for each of iOS and Android at least (according to the articles above as they are mutually exclusive in support).



Thank you so much for the reply. You make a very good point about the streaming I will need steaming to work on iOS and Android devices so which streaming type will work for both?


Hi Josh

Should just be a case of setting the media 'type' to "video/rtmp" and the 'source' to the RTMP URL. Here's a screenshot of my setup which worked fine for me:

media component configured for RTMP streaming

Just be aware that RTMP is supported only by Adobe Flash. Our media plugin does include a Flash video player but obviously this requires that the end user have Adobe Flash Player installed (certainly not guaranteed these days) and is not going to work at all on iOS and probably not Android devices.


ios scroll fix is the nearest one. but it's quite flakey.

the best approach so far it to have a launch page to remove the course from the iframe.



Hi -- Coming back to this one after a while....

Is there an up-to-date, recommended approach for ensuring an Adapt course runs as well as it can on an iOS device via an iframe? 

I'm aware of a couple of repositories related to this issue, specifically: 

Are these still current / in use? Or has the framework updated to make these unnecessary? If they should still be used, is there a recommended combination?

Thanks for any advice/experience.


Just closing the browser window should send the right data to the LMS (I have only found this not to work once, on an LMS that was clearly a bit 'homemade', let's say).

If you want to include a close button then give adapt-close a try. I tend to include it when the course is going to be used on smartphone/tablet since it can be quite fiddly closing a browser window on these devices. And judging by the number of browser windows I've seen open on some people's I suspect there are a lot who don't actually know how to close a browser window on iOS!


Hi there Dan

Very nice components! Thanks for these.

Just thought I'd share as I tried the stacklist component and found it was hanging on our iPad (Safari). It seems to be because of line 31 of adapt-stacklist.js:


I'm not too conversant with the quirks of iOS/jQuery but swapping this for two statements made it work on iOS. i.e. $el.offset(offset); and $el.hide(); albeit without the animation.



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