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Are there any LMSes that can play a fully responsive ADAPT SCORM package on iOS in such a way that it is not possible to bypass the SCORM player as described in my earlier posting? Do they prevent showing the URL of each course page?

SCORM Cloud will display the course on iOS without using an iframe but does not prevent display of the course URL. If you are not logged into SCORM Cloud, accessing the URL directly will show a 'content authorization failed' error. If you are logged in, though, it will display the course (which will then error - if the course is configured to display errors (the default setting)).


The error message did not show up in my case – maybe because of some option settings.

To prevent the course from loading when the SCORM player is bypassed would definitely be a good enhancement.

After some more extensive internet research I tend to believe the following (Please let me know, if I am wrong.):

  • There is currently no complete fix to make a fully responsive course - like the ones created by  ADAPT - work in an iframe on iOS. A lot of thought and experiment has been put into the issue by many very bright people without full success. There does not seem to be a solution anytime soon.
  • Using an iframe as part of the SCORM player is a solution used by LMSes, especially MOODLE, obviously as one of the best ways to play SCORM content securely. This does not seem to change any time soon.

So I am confronted with these two questions:

  • Are there any LMSes that can play a fully responsive ADAPT SCORM package on iOS in such a way that it is not possible to bypass the SCORM player as described in my earlier posting? Do they prevent showing the URL of each course page?
  • Is the launch.html method (as described in this thread) the best solution to play fully responsive ADAPT SCORM packages on LMSes that use iframes?

I would be very grateful for any help.

Picture of Bill Randall
by Bill Randall - Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 1:18 PM

Hi Matt,

Thanks very much for the insight and links.


Picture of Matt Leathes
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 12:32 PM

Hi Bill

You'll likely find that's actually a bug in iOS 10... Apple appear to have reintroduced a bug that first reared its head with the release of iOS7.

It can be worked-around but this must done at server level. There's a discussion about how to do this in Moodle here if that helps at all.

Picture of Bill Randall
by Bill Randall - Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 10:43 AM


My build uses an older audio extension (adapt-componentAudio) that appears not to work with iOS 10.

Are there any fixes or workarounds available for this please?  And do we know if the v2 framework works with iOS 10?

Many thanks,



Not as it stands, no.

You could do this fairly easily by adding a call to this.onOverlayClick() at the end of the onPlayerReady function

Note that it would not work in iOS as iOS does not allow media to be played automatically - playback can only be initiated as the direct result of a 'user gesture' - except in iOS10 where you can now autoplay video if there's no audio track or the player is muted.


Thanks so much! Really appreciate it. I had fun building it off of the Background switcher. It was my first attempt to build a component, though I realize it was not from scratch. I should mention, I made a fix to the backgrounds on the iOS version as the parallax effect was choking in that environment, so I thought it safer to make the BG's static similar to the original bg switcher.


Is it possible that the Moodle mobile app is displaying the content in an iframe? Unfortunately iframes are a bit of a pain for responsive content, particularly on iOS. There's a long discussion about that over here.

FYI your screenshot show an image in Adapt displaying fine...

Picture of Nick Petch
by Nick Petch - Tuesday, 30 August 2016, 1:28 AM


I'm just trying to figure out the best way to present iFramed video for all devices. I have opted to use the "Adapt-Contrib-Media"

My challenge is figuring out the "type" field.


It asks for a type statement such as video/youtube, however when using a none youtube link from a different hosting platform such as viostream or vimeo, it fails to play giving me a youtube static screen.


Leaving the "type" filed blank forces the player to display a inline "Download file" text link which goes to the source. 

"video/youtube" works as desired but only with Youtube URL's.

I have checked the WiKi and other documentation but can't seem to find the answer for this one. 



Thanks in advance






Hi Guy,

This seems a very useful discussion to have. I wonder if it's worth also having in the Technical forum, which seems to see a lot more traffic.

I've spent a bit of time theming using the existing Vanilla theme as a starting point. I come at this as someone with a degree of CSS and SASS/LESS experience, but whose starting-point/comfort level is with taking an existing framework (Bootstrap/Foundation/etc.) and customising from there, rather than beginning a project from scratch.

My workflow would be to customise the theme in the framework, then upload to the authoring tool on projects where that's being used. I don't find that too problematic - though I have a feeling that the step-by-step instructions for branching a theme could be a bit more spelled out in the documentation. There is a tendency not to keep the authoring tool theme as up-to-date as the version I have in the framework, just because the round-tripping does take a little bit of time and my experience has been the authoring tool can be a bit moody about theme uploads. (It'll take them, but seems to hang/require a reboot.)

My experience of theming has been that, initially, the ability to change the colour scheme by adjusting just a few variables from which a great deal then inherits seemed great -- allowing a quick departure from the default theme without major work.

However, the extent of this inheritance from a few variables - particularly in the colours - quickly presented challenges and frustrations when it came to applying a specific colour scheme or more detailed theming: especially in a scenario where I was trying to ensure that I maintained an accessible level of colour contrast. As time went on, I found myself digging deeper and deeper, unstitching some of the inheritance / fiddling with individual components, to address particular issues as they cropped up. 

I'm very interested in playing a bit with the Kineo theme to compare the approach -- should I use the master or V2 branch from github as the starting point? What's the difference between them?

First thoughts are: on the one hand, I can definitely see the merits of making aspects of the theming more directly configurable in the JSON - that feels like it would match the needs of many people who really just want to change a background, and would be more authoring-tool friendly. And it's certainly a good idea to make elements like the header -- that are probably the first thing anyone wants to theme, but fall outside the standard article/block/component scope -- more accessible to customise. I guess other common scenarios are adding institutional logos to top of the page, etc.

On the other hand, you can already add classes in the JSON; and I've not had a particular problem setting up background images/colours by this means - with the added advantage that this means you can do things like mix-and-match (e.g. when combining textures with background colours). If the Vanilla theme/documentation came with some standard examples of classes that could be adapted to achieve particular things - e.g. to add a background image - I wonder if this would fulfil the same end?

Not entirely on topic, but I've also sometimes wondered whether there'd be any merit in trying to align the standard Adapt theme with something like Bootstrap or Google's Material, so that you could then more readily plug-in to the wider range of variants/alternative themes that exist for these, to quickly restyle a project. But I can appreciate this would probably be something that'd be very challenging to implement without implications for the basic DNA of the framework.

Final thought - I do have a private BitBucker Git repository that provides a step-by-step record of my first stumbling attempts at theming. Would that be of any use to take a look through? I can't share generally on the forum but don't mind giving someone individual access.



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