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I just ran into a similar issue with our course in SumTotal. All I see is the Loading screen. This is strange, since it worked just fine in our QA version of the LMS; it only fails in production.

I'm trying this workaround. I assume the launch.html file needs to be placed in the same place as the index.html. So I should probably just manually stick it in the build directory because grunt build won't copy it over, right? I updated my imsmanifest.xml file like you said.

Needless to say, this is all bad timing since we thought we were good to go and I need it running by Wednesday morning. 

EDIT: Still waiting on the LMS team, but my guess is the launch.html trick won't work since that seemed to be directed at a different issue. I did run a console check and it returned this:

SumTotal Error





Just revisiting this issue with SABA LMS.  I implemented the launch.html workaround, but am getting a couple of issues with different versions of SABA.  Do you have any previous experience of the following:

SABA version 5.5 - ADAPT course gets stuck at the loading page (spinning loading gif) when you try to launch the scorm (with several different browsers).

Another is SABA 5.4 - the course loads, but when attempting to exit, a message box appears saying 'an error has occurred: Course could not finish'.

Many thanks,





Chrome - is it maybe the popup blocker?

Failing to find API - I know this will happen on Moodle when using launch.html if you set the SCO to 'open in new window'. IF that's what you have set, change to 'open in same window'.


I'm serving a course from Moodle with the launch.html trick that has been discussed on this forum (a launch.html that uses to open the course in a new window) to allow it to be adaptive.

Works on safari but on chrome I am having a few issues.

- the new window isn't spawned. It looks like chrome deliberately prevents windows being opened automatically in this way. I have added a manual open new window button to workaround this but I think this is causing this next major issue ->

- I'm getting the can't connect to LMS error from the Spoor extension. If I press cancel every time this appears the course eventually loads (and works pretty well) but if I press ok it gets stuck on the loading screen. 

I hacked the code to remove the error message but then it just gets stuck on the loading screen. It looks like the cancel button is sending a return code that allows it to continue.

It looks like it can't find the API object in chrome. I think it's due to the pipwerks.SCORM.API.get function in SCORM_API_wrapper.js. The new window can't find the Moodle SCORM API.

Any got any ideas on where I should look to fix this or any workarounds? Ideally I'd fix it to communicate with the LMS but otherwise I want it to fail silently and continue, or if I can get ipad chrome to not block auto pop ups...

Picture of steve keplinger
by steve keplinger - Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 11:58 AM

Thanks Matt,

I've tried to do as you say, but am struggling?

I've put the launch.html into the file structure, zipped it up and now it won't work at all?  Am not getting any thing showing in Moodle?  Tried to put it back to the way it was but still not having any luck.  

Perhaps its because I am zipping it up with Elite Unzip (a free zip file compressor)?

Any suggestions?



Picture of Matt Leathes
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 9:58 AM

Sorry I still don't really understand. It sounds more like you have an issue with your browser or trackpad/mouse. There shouldn't be any need to click to exit the scrolling environment.

What browser/operating system are you using?

Are you able to link to an example of this happening?

It sounds like you might be activating the Windows auto scrolling feature (by clicking the scroll wheel then moving the mouse up and down)?

Certainly Adapt doesn't do anything to the scroll bar of the course. I don't believe it is even allowed for a web page to do anything to the browser's scroll bars - except decide whether they should be available or not when opening a new window via JavaScript.

As for the launch.html - no you definitely don't want to put your course between those brackets. You shouldn't need to amend anything in that code in any way, it's complete already. You simply need to create a new HTML file called 'launch.html', paste that code into it, save it then add it to your course output so that you end up with a folder structure like this:

  • adapt
  • assets
  • course
  • libraries
  • adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd
  • imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd
  • imsmanifest.xml
  • imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd
  • ims_xml.xsd
  • index.html
  • launch.html
  • log_output.html
  • main.html
  • offline_API_wrapper.js

You will then need to edit imsmanifest.xml and change the two instances of 'index.html' to 'launch.html' (so that the LMS uses launch.html as the page it launches instead of index.html)

Picture of steve keplinger
by steve keplinger - Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 8:59 AM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the comment.  My scroll bar within the course is very sensitive.  It's not working like normal.  When it gets activated, it has to be carefully clicked to exit the scrolling environment or it jumps to where ever the mouse is pointing, scrolling up if it's above half way (fast the farther away from half way you are): and the same applies for scrolling down.

I tried to apply your code for a launch.html and wonder if I should be putting my course inside these brackets:-



Any advice is most welcomed.





I would add a new page called something like launch.html

Something like this maybe?

<!doctype html>
        <title>Launching course...</title>
            function launchCourse() {
      "index.html", "adaptWin", "width=950,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
            body {
                font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    <body onload="launchCourse()">
        <h2>The course should now open in a new window.</h2>
        <p>If this does not occur please check your pop-up blocker settings and <a href="#" onclick="launchCourse()">click here</a> to try again.</p>

You can change what page the LMS launches via imsmanifest.xml - just find all references to index.html and replace them with launch.html


In my case, most of the people who use the modules that I deploy use computers (around 10,000 people).  A few hundred want to use their mobile devices.  So, I want to avoid the pop up on personnel computers.  It appears that the frame on the personnel computers that I have tested works in that I can use the adapt module with an extra scroll bar.  But the frame on the mobile devices does not work.  Perhaps this is an error with the LMS systems that I tested.  Because it may be awhile before the LMS's correct their error, I created a possible work-around that I believe will only open a new window when necessary.

I updated the launch.html file that you created such that it will only open a new window when the resolution is smaller than 1024 wide or 768 high; I also changed the location of the link to click for opening a new window, so that it is viewable on small screens.  This allows the module to open in the frame on personnel computers (where it works), and open a new window on mobile devices.  This worked for all cases that I tested (ipad 1, iphone 3, and ipad 5, and windows).

Let me know if you try this and it does not work on some device.


Hi Charlie

If I load your content onto Totara LMS v2.5 (which is based on Moodle) I get the same result on iPhone 4 running iOS7.

More tellingly, the content is NOT snapping down to the mobile view but staying in the desktop layout. So clearly something in the way Moodle/Totara renders the content in the window is blocking the responsive functionality of Adapt... very likely it's because the content is being rendered inside an <iframe> which is an inherently un-responsive element.

If I load it into SCORM Cloud, it all works fine.

I think what you're seeing here is a common issue with trying to run content that implements responsive design techniques on Learning Management Systems that are rendering the content in the window in a way that is not particularly friendly to responsive design*.

The workaround we have been using on Moodle/Totara up to now is to set the LMS the package to load in the same window, but add a new page to the SCO called launch.html that handles opening up index.html up in its own popup window - so you're essentially 'breaking out' of the Moodle SCORM player template.

I have updated your package with the launcher file and attached it here.

This is by no means an ideal solution and I will continue to explore options with my colleagues in the Totara world for how we can fix this properly, maybe even backporting the fix into Moodle - you never know.

By the way - there is another bug in your package... Once you get through to the content page you can't get back to the menu again, just a blank screen.

*This is by no means the worst. SABA LMS renders the content inside a frameset. Seriously, a frameset in this day and age? I think the last time I used a frameset in my code was in the previous millennium!

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